
In the years I served as a Children’s Ministry Director and as a consultant for churches, over and over I heard about, and had to deal with, one of the biggest questions in Children’s Ministry – how do we get parents and grandparents to become involved in helping the children they love understand and live God’s Word? How do we get them to hand down confident faith?

One of the joys and privileges of being a parent or grandparent is we are the ones to whom God has given the “job” of teaching children about Him, but when parents think, “
That’s why we bring our children to church” or grandparents think, “I’ve done my job, now I’m going to retire and let the younger generation take over” what can we do to help encourage and equip them to take on their vital roles?

New Year, New You, He is Alive!, and Trusting God Bible Maze Journeys and 
The Best Gift, Real Love, Prayer Bible Maze Journey
 are tools for us to use to help parent and grandparents learn by doing – they have the opportunity to work with the children they love on small portions of a special event for families and are able to serve alongside the children they love as they either participate in preparing for the event or have an actual part in the presentation of the event!

Beyond this, as families work through their event’s stations, time is included for families to sit together and talk about what they are learning and how it looks for it to be lived out in their everyday lives! As we model for parents and grandparents “how” to teach their children and grandchildren, they will understand they really are able to make this a part of their family’s everyday life! They will experience it really isn’t so hard to understand and live God’s Word with their children!

New Year, New You, He is Alive!, and Trusting God Bible Maze Journeys
buy on amazon for $12.99 at this link
Kindle ebook for $8.99 at this link
The Best Gift, Real Love, Prayer Bible Maze Journey
buy on amazon for $12.99 at this link
Kindle ebook for $8.99 at this link

Praying Deeper Series

As grandparents/parents we must be serious about praying; spending time with our God every day because we must love, know, and walk with God faithfully if we ever want our grandchildren/children to do so. Prayer must be a priority for us if it ever will be for them. So, pray these Scripture prayers for yourself; grow in your love for God. Grow closer to God. Model for your grandchildren/children what it means to be someone who loves, knows, and walks with God; someone who talks with Him. Pray them for the ones you love and trust God, because He loves our grandchildren/children even more than we do, and He definitely hears, absolutely listens to, and most certainly answers our prayers!

Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures: For the Children You Love Who Walk With God & Those Who Do Not

With Praying Deeper Through the Scriptures, each Month you will find a Scripture passage, which is then personalized and written into a prayer for you to pray for yourself and for the ones you love. Each week focuses in on a particular portion of the monthly Scripture passage and prayer with questions to help you think about what you are praying and suggestions for activities you may try with the ones you love as well. As you pray the Scripture passages for a full month, you will be better able to understand what God’s Word is saying to you, pray for it to be real in your life, and in the lives of your grandchildren/children as well. These passages and prayers will encourage you by helping to give you hope – especially if you have children/grandchildren who have turned away from their faith.

Buy on Amazon at this link
Print book - $12.99 
Kindle copy - $9.99
at this link

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms
for Children -
is a book written by Lynda and her three grandsons to help children learn to talk with God. (It is available in print form from Amazon at this link and as a digital PDF in our Book Store at this link.)
If we want the children we love to learn to walk closely with God, they need to learn to talk with Him. Praying Deeper Through the Psalms - Children's Edition is designed to help children - preschool through Middle School age - learn to do exactly this by praying the Psalms back to God. In this book you will find 52 weeks of Scripture prayers from the Book of Psalms and space for children to record their own prayer requests and how God answers. With Praying Deeper Through the Psalms for Children the children you love will learn how to talk with God - and will make their way through the Book of Psalms a thoughtful way as well.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $12.99
at this link 
Kindle copy - $9.99 

Praying Deeper Through the Psalms -
This book provides you with 52 weeks of personalized Scripture prayers from the Book of Psalms to help you in your walk with God and to pray for the ones you love as well. This book is a tool to help you grow and is an excellent resource for you to use with others in a small group/class.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $12.99 
at this link
Kindle copy - $9.99

Praying Deeper Through the Old Testament -
This book provides you with 52 weeks of personalized Scripture prayers from the Old Testament to help you in your walk with God and to pray for the ones you love as well. This book is a tool to help you grow and is an excellent resource for you to use with others in a small group/class.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $12.99 
at this link
Kindle copy - $9.99 

illustrate my own
If you are not an artist, or artistic person, when you see a book for which you need to provide the illustrations, you may think it is not the book for you. But, in this case with the illustrate my own Known Bible Hero, the illustrate my own Unknown Bible Hero books, and the illustrate my own Important Things Jesus Wants Me to Know books nothing could be farther from the truth! These books give you the unique opportunity to engage with the children you love in ways you never have when you read a book about a real Bible person, as you and/or they will be providing the illustrations, and you will get to talk about what is happening, think through what the Bible person is saying, and basically really pay attention to the details so you are able to provide the illustrations! Just think about the fantastic conversations you will be able to have about the Bible people and how what they learned applies to you as well!

You will find all books at this link and on Amazon for $7.00 each.

the little answer book
The truth matters and we need to know the truth. This does not mean we have to be theologians, scientists, philosophers, or apologists, but we do need to find answers. We do need to know the “whys”, so we are able to teach them as part of a firm foundation we set for the ones we love, and so we are able to answer their questions if they have already turned from their faith. This is the purpose for this book – to help you find answers, so you are equipped to hand down confident faith as you teach the “whys” and to help you answer important questions.

Buy on Amazon $4.39 at this link

Churches are able to get the digital format of this book for just $1 per family - find the details at this link

the little answer book for children has activities and questions which will engage children as they learn the "whys" for the questions - is God real? what about science & God? if God is real, is He good?, and is the Bible true? As they think through questions, journal their answers, and participate in science projects and other activities, they will learn "why" they are able to have a confident faith!

Buy on Amazon for $7.19 at this link

Churches are able to get the digital format of this book for just $1 per family 
- find the details at this link

The DNA of Grandparents & Parents
Who Hand Down the Faith - 
In this book Lynda looks at what it takes to develop a strong walk offaith, live as people who believe and reproduce by handing down to our children and our children's children a strong and healthy walk of faith. It is a book to help you grow and is an excellent resource for you to use with others in a small group.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $12.99 
Kindle copy - $8.99
at this link

Don't Worry It is Impossible
to Spoil Grandchildren -
This book looks at what we need to do to well love our grandchildren and how we are able to hand down the faith. It is a book to help you grow and is an excellent resource for you to use with others in a small group/class.

Buy on Amazon 
Print book - $10.99 
Kindle copy - $8.99
at this link

Generations Quest ~ Cultivate the Faith -
In this new edition, Lynda added information to help you teach the children you love about the "whys" for our faith - why we are able to believe in God and trust the Bible with confidence. You will find 52 lessons with science projects, crafts, cooking, games and more along with resources to help you show the children you love how to dig into God's Word and learn about real people who made the choice to love and walk with God. This is a book you will be able to use with your grandchildren/ children to hand down the faith.

Buy on Amazon 
Print copy - $13.99 
at this link

In "No Cookie-Cutter Children's Ministries" you will find questions to think through, resources, ideas for supporting and encouraging your volunteers, a complete volunteer training session, help finding your best curriculum "fit", and through them all, Lynda will engage you in activities and thought provoking questions for you to complete with your Children's Ministry leadership team, parents, and grandparents to discover what you need to do to do to ensure your Children's Ministry is truly effective at what matters most - putting together a genuinely effective and engaging Children's Ministry and teaming up with parents/grandparents to hand confident faith to the children you all love.

No Cookie-Cutter Children's Ministries 
buy on amazon for $7.99 at this link
Kindle ebook - $5.99
at this link

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