Wednesday, September 13, 2023

2023 Great Cycle Challenge

My son loves riding his bike and he uses this activity to help others. One way he does this is by participating in the Great Cycle Challenge to Kick Cancer's Butt and fight children's cancer. Today I'm asking you to consider giving money to help him reach his goal - even a small amount is helpful - especially today as every gift is doubled today! This is what my son has to say about it - 

"I've signed up for the 2023 Great Cycle Challenge and will be riding this September to fight kids' cancer! My goal is to pedal 400 miles throughout the month.

Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in the United States – 38 children die of cancer every week.

My challenge will be tough, but it's nothing compared to what these brave kids and their families face every day of their lives as they battle this terrible disease. Kids should be living life, NOT fighting for it. And so I am taking on this challenge to end childhood cancer and save little lives.

Please support me by making a donation today.

All funds raised will support Children's Cancer Research Fund to continue their work to develop innovative treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.

Thank you for your support.

You are able to safely make a donation at this link - thank you for helping!

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