Friday, December 15, 2023

14 Ways to "Blow" Your Children's Ministry - Stop Doing the "Little" Things

As we continue to think about things we do - or do not do - which result in us "blowing" our ministry, this one is a big thing . . . even though it is about the little things.

In the post about ways to "blow" a marriage, the writer said when he stopped cooking for his wife he was blowing his marriage. In marriage, little things can easily become big things. 

This is absolutely true in Children's Ministry, too. When we stop doing the little things it is definitely a way to "blow" our  Children's Ministry. So, to keep your focus on the "little things", consider the following . . . 
  • Again, ALWAYS take time to smile and say hello whenever you see children, families, volunteers, and visitors.
  • Again, learn names - in a big church this can be more of a challenge, but it is well worth it to take the time to learn names.
  • Always try to make time - even a few minutes, to show interest by asking how things are going with them.
  • Be a "champion" at noticing people - notice when people are at church AND when they are not.
  • Be sure to notice birthdays, anniversaries, and other important times for children and volunteers.
  • Follow up when children and volunteers are absent - if this means you need someone whose ministry is to notice and follow up - then get this person!!!
These are just a few really simple, but big ways you can keep a focus on the "little things" and when you do this, you will not "blow" your Children's Ministry!

So, what do you do if you have lost the focus on the "little things"? For a "do-over", focus on the "little things"! Go back and talk to visitors and volunteers! Learn the names and make the time to show interest in them! As I mentioned, if this means you need to recruit someone whose ministry is to notice and follow up, then do it! But, remember, having this person does not excuse you from noticing and taking action, either!

The "bonus" if you do these things is you will find visitors become members and volunteers become people who commit long term! And your church will really become a "family"! I realize this "bonus" is the same as the one for not losing the personal "touch", but I can not over-emphasize the importance of doing the "little things" and noticing - it is essential to a strong and healthy Children's Ministry, because when you stop noticing, you are most definitely "blowing" your Children's Ministry.

What do you do to keep your focus on the "little things"?

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