Monday, December 4, 2023

Share the Joy of Children's Ministry - The Wonder and Awe of God!

As adults it can be so easy to just almost take God's awesomeness for granted. We go through our day without the wonder over all the amazing things God did, does, and will do. But this is not the case with children. They are amazed when they hear about what God has done. They are used to hearing and seeing "amazing" things on tv, but know they are not really real. But, when they hear how God created everything, parted the Red Sea, sent an angel army to protect Elisha, brought down the walls of Jericho, raised Lazarus from the dead, and on and on the Bible Adventures go, children are amazed to hear these things really happened! They are left in wonder to know our God is truly awesome!

So, serving in Children's Ministry is a gift; an opportunity for us to remember not to take God's "awesomeness" for granted. It provides us reminders of the wonder we once felt over Who God is and what He does! Share this joy! Share this wonder with others! When you recruit, do not feel like you are asking people to do something they will not really like. You are not! You are inviting them to share in the joy which comes from the wonder and awe of God!

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