Friday, December 29, 2023

14 Ways to "Blow" Your Children's Ministry - Use Negative Labels & Show Favoritism

It is easy, far too easy, to label others. We label some children as "good" and others as . . . "not so good", "naughty", or even, "bad". We label some volunteers as "amazing" and others as . . . "difficult", challenging" - basically  "not so amazing". We label some parents and grandparents as "great" and others as . . . "difficult", or "not so great". We label some church leaders as ones who "get it" and others as . . . "ones who don't". Whenever we use "labels" in any way, we are "blowing" our Children's Ministry. Consider the following . . . 

  • When we label some children, volunteers, parents, grandparents, and/or church leaders as "good", we end up showing preference to them - whether we want to or not. Jesus clearly taught us not to show preference. (See Luke 14 and also Romans 2 and James 2 to see what the Bible teaches about favoritism.)
  • Others will be able to tell what you think of them and people live up . . . or down to our opinions of them.
  • How can you effectively ministry to and/or with anyone when you have a negative view of them?
  • When you use negative labels and/or show favoritism you are NOT reflecting Jesus and are absolutely "blowing" your Children's Ministry.
So, how do you get a "do over" if you have used negative labels and showed favoritism? First, apologize to any who you need to apologize to and then make it right by changing your attitude and actions. Look for positive things in children, volunteers, parents, grandparents, and church leaders and compliment them on those things. If you see someone as "negative", have an honest conversation and ask them to share why they feel as they do. Think seriously about what they say - they may very well see and or know something you do not. Pray for them and for you and commit to making your Children's Ministry a place where the positive is noticed and all are loved equally!

The bonus for doing this . . . your ministry will reflect Jesus!

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